Kristen Suzanne is an accomplished Raw food chef and former competitive bodybuilder. Through radio, television, books, classes, and her blog and email newsletter, Chef Kristen Suzanne helps people live life to the fullest with the healthiest cuisine in the world.

Kristen is based in Scottsdale, AZ, and offers the following services:

Author of Raw food recipe and lifestyle books

Media spokesperson and Raw food advocate

Public and private demonstrations and lectures

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Raw Food Recipes

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My Personal Story

Details & Benefits of a High Raw Diet

Weight Loss & Maintenance

How to Get Started

Raw Food FAQ


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What Psychological Effects Can I Expect When I Go to a Raw Diet?

Many people report a marked increase in mental clarity and focus when they go Raw. You'll hear this over and over.

But there is a less well-known, and perhaps more important, aspect to going Raw. It's an effect that's harder to grasp and fully comprehend until it happens to you personally. If you're new to Raw food, the following may sound strange and a little "out there," but a lot of people — ordinary people like you and me — describe a new and hard-to-define sense of "connection" with their food, once they go Raw. And by extension, they feel a new and different connection to their world, nature, and the role we have on this planet. Imagine feeling truly connected! To everything! The effects of this take on many forms. It's not at all uncommon, for instance, for people to want to start growing some of their own food. Even people living in downtown high-rise apartments! To many, going Raw is like awakening something deep within, that has always been there, but suppressed.

Now, maybe this quasi-spiritual, transformational experience is the product of simply thinking a lot about diet, in new ways and new contexts. Or maybe it's a by-product of having a healthier, cleaner, toxin-free internal state, which makes you simply feel "good." Or getting great sleep, maybe for the first time in years. But regardless, in many ways, the food we eat is, by far (even more so than the air we breathe), the most direct connection we have to the outside world. The molecules we ingest actually become "us." The old adage is true: "We are what we eat." Literally.

Back: Raw Food FAQ

The above is one of the more frequently asked questions that come up when I give classes and talks about Raw food. For a very comprehensive introduction to Raw Food lifestyle and expert tips and advice on making it work for you, see my ebook:

Kristen's Raw: The EASY Way to Get Started & SUCCEED with Raw Food