Check out today’s feature on Yahoo: 4 Healthy Superfoods and why you should add more of them to your diet…Raw, of course, or you risk destroying the very nutrients you’re trying to get! Here are some easy ways to get more folate (lowers homocysteine levels), sulforaphane (cancer fighter), lycopene (not from tomatoes!), and lutein and zeaxanthin (retina protection).
Today’s food intake:
Upon waking: warm water with fresh squeezed lemon and lime juice
Breakfast: 3 large bananas
Snack: 1/4 cup soaked pumpkin seeds (getting more zinc in my diet)
Lunch: 2 cups Lemon Mint Zucchini Bisque with 1 cup chopped beets
Snack: small Green Smoothie (water, swiss chard, banana)
Dinner: 1 cup Lemon Mint Zucchini Bisque, large Perfect Salad
As we look deeply within, we understand our perfect balance.
There is no fear of the cycle of birth, life and death.
For when you stand in the present moment, you are timeless.
~Rodney Yee