Whew! I’m still addicted to Prison Break and just finished another mini-marathon streak of episodes. We’re into the second season and it’s keeping me on the edge of my seat.
Onto Raw things: To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, I did what I suspect many with this lifestyle did…I had a green juice. As usual, it was delicious and energizing. I felt so many wonderful nutrients fueling my cells when I drank it down. It didn’t stop there however. I also had a green zucchini and parsley salad topped with chlorophyll-filled hemp oil and lime juice salad dressing alongside a granny smith apple dipped into hemp seed butter (this is green-ish, too). For dessert, well it wasn’t green, but it was so good. I blended a frozen banana with some water, raw chocolate, and a vanilla bean. I tell ya…Raw desserts ROCK!
For those of you asking about my soup recipe from the Mandala Dinner event last week (BTW – thank you to everyone emailing me to say how much you loved the dinner – all of your emails are so very much appreciated)…I think I’ll show the recipe in my next class. If you’re going to be in the Scottsdale area on April 26, you won’t want to miss this amazing special event.
Daily conversation question:
Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team?