I’m not a fan of the taste of maca. It reminds me of feet. Can’t help it, it just does. I’ve tried it many times in Raw food and was never able to enjoy it (or more honestly, I’ve never been able to ignore it in recipes) until I used it here. (Here you go Bonnie :) Hope you like it.) Now, I don’t know if the sun was in the right position in the sky or if my hormones were in line when I tried this, but I ended up loving it. Go figure. If you’re like me and you usually pass on the maca…you can cut this recipe in half just in case you want to try a small amount first.
Maca is known for having some amazing properties, which is why I was determined to make a recipe I could look forward to. According to Navitas Naturals website: Athletes have found in Maca a natural endurance builder, due to its sterol and saponin content. A yang or fire tonic, Maca is widely prescribed in herbal medicine as a stress adaptogen. Recent studies have identified four alkaloids present in Maca known to nourish the endocrine system, benefiting reproduction in both women and men. In the West, Maca is rapidly gaining attention as a potential treatment for chronic fatigue, menopause and loss of libido.
See why I really want to get more maca into my life? It’s impressive. It’s also availalbe in capsules, which is something I might look into. I could always fill my own veg-capsules from the powder I have (there’s an idea for you, Bonnie!).
Love Nest Maca Smoothie
Yield 1 quart
2 cups water
2 cups frozen raspberries
3 dates, pitted
1 tablespoon Vitamineral Green Powder
1 tablespoon Raw carob powder
1 tablespoon chia seeds
2-3 teaspoons Navitas maca powder
3/4 teaspoon cherry extract
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Blend it up and enjoy!