You know those kinds of things that you wait to do, either because you’re too busy, too lazy or something of the sort? I’ve had situations where I heard about something that could make life better or easier, but since it took some time to research the “pros” and “cons,” I kept putting it off. My Netflix Membership is a perfect example of such a thing (as well as my Blackberry Curve, but that’s for another post!).
We used to rent quite a few movies from Blockbuster, and since the store is relatively close, I saw no need to change to Netflix (although I admit – I was awfully curious when I kept seeing my neighbors pull those red envelopes from their mailboxes). Plus, I didn’t want to get stuck in some kind of monthly program that I wouldn’t use. But, after trying to find a number of movies that Blockbuster didn’t have, I went to Netflix to check it out. Wow, was I amazed! Not only did they have all the movies I was looking for, but I’ll save a lot of money by using them instead of renting through Blockbuster. (I think Blockbuster does have a mail-type program, but Netflix has the reputaion for having the biggest source of movies, so I’m sticking with them.)
Here is the take away…I love Netflix and highly recommend it. There’s something very cool (and fun!) about going to my mailbox and having a “goodie” in there waiting for me a couple times a week. It gives me something to look forward to, and that is plain FUN!
Through Netflix, we rented an amazing documentary, Sharkwater. If you haven’t seen it, YOU MUST!!! It’s beautiful, educational, fun, scary, eco-adventure-like and everyone needs to see this. Get educated about sharks like never before. Here is proof of the amazing info you’ll learn: My boyfriend wants me to learn how to scuba dive and I used to be terrified…because of sharks. Not anymore! This movie makes me want to hug a shark (if only that were possible – ahhh, I can dream). Seriously though, sharks are incredible creatures NEEDING OUR HELP! This terrific documentary has already won 26 international awards!!! Check out the details about Sharkwater here and then rent it at Netflix (this documentary is getting so big that it’s possible Blockbuster will/does carry it – either way – you gotta check it out!).