I can’t believe I never thought about it until now, but with the passing of my boyfriend’s amazing 94-year old grandpa, it’s caused me to be a little extra thoughtful today. With my healthy lifestyle, my intent had always been to feel great in the short term and to fight the diseases bombarding our culture today: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, etc, so that I could live a life feeling terrific physically, mentally and spiritually. My goals with respect to health and aging pretty much stopped there though. After all, isn’t that a lot?
I’ve decided it’s not enough. It dawned on me tonight that I want to live until I’m 100 years old. I want the honor of becoming a centenarian. How cool of a goal is that? With my enhanced mindset, I’m filled with new energy, and more hope and excitement than ever. When people question my lifestyle, you know the ones… those people who don’t immediately “get it”… I am excited to respond with simply, “I want to become a centenarian and this is the best plan for accomplishing my goal.”
As most of you reading my blog know, diet plays a key role, but it doesn’t stop there. Physical fitness is crucial. And, let me be more specific… vigorous physical fitness is a more appropriate description. So, I’m off to take a late night jog under the stars.
On another note, tonight we watched Batman Begins again in preparation for the new Batman movie coming out this week, Dark Knight. And, what do ya know??? Alfred woke Bruce Wayne one morning with a Green Smoothie! Gosh, and to think that movie came out years ago. No wonder Batman has so much power!