Here is a list of my nutrient filled, awesome Raw food I had today. (Everything is always organic.)
1 cup water with 1T Amazing Grass’ Wheat Grass Powder, 2T Navitas Naturals’ sprouted flax meal, and 1T New Chapter Organic’s Berry Greens
~ I started my day with this alkalizing concoction. The taste is pretty decent and it’s so good for my body.
2T goji berries, 2T cacao nibs, 2T hemp seeds
~ This was a high energy, nutrient dense snack. On my kitchen counter (see pic), I have a cute gold tray with four bowls (goji berries, cacao nibs, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds). I have a little spoon so my husband and I can just walk by and have a little spoonful of goodness when we want. I like to change the bowls’ contents from time to time. The cool thing about the raw cacao is that it suppresses my appetite, so there is no risk of my overeating on the snacks. :)
1 cup sliced strawberries, 1 banana sliced, 1/2 cucumber sliced
~ I just adore fresh fruit (sweet and non-sweet). It’s filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water. It’s a great high energy snack that keeps the cells of my body happy and dancing.
Hummus with sliced carrots and broccoli bites
~ I love the hummus recipe in my Sides/Snacks book – so yummy. I seriously don’t know why people would eat processed (non-Raw) hummus when this delicious and nutritious alternative is available (and so easy to make).
1 cup Exotic Chocolate Milk
~ This is a FUN and unique recipe that will be featured in my upcoming chocolate book/ebook (available within a couple of weeks – fingers crossed!). I enjoyed this drink in one of my wine glasses to make the experience extra sassy.
Small Fluffy Green Smoothie
~ 1 cup water, 1 handful spinach, 1 apple, pinch cinnamon
Marinara with kelp noodles, Omega Crackers
~ I’m not a huge fan of kelp noodles. They have a weird texture to me. But, I’m eating them tonight anyway. My marinara sauce (available in my entree book/ebook) is so good (and I didn’t have any zucchini to make noodles) so I decided to use the kelp noodles in my refrigerator. I would probably like them a little more if the noodles were used in a salad where I might expect the texture they offer. I made Omega Crackers the other day (I used Navitas Naturals’ Sprouted Omega Blend with veggies, herbs, seasoning) and we ate a few with our noodles.
Kale Salad
~ Purple curly kale, yellow bell pepper, carrots, raisins, lemon juice, Himalayan crystal salt, and Vega’s EFA oil. Major YUM!!! I LOVE kale salads!!!
Teeccino with Sweet Pomegranate Cheesecake
~ I love ending my day with a nice cup of Teeccino alongside a delicious Raw vegan dessert.
I’m heading to the gym later tonight to walk on the treadmill for about an hour. Yesterday, I ordered the book, The Face on Your Plate (for my Kindle 2), so I’m eager to start it tonight while I’m working out.