Here is an interesting discussion on mercury and amalgams and the most recent turn of events. *The total time for the videos is about 30 minutes, but worth it.
After viewing those videos, I came away with the feeling that, for the first time, I’m just not surprised anymore. The government supporting the people they support… the conflicts of interest… the revolving doors… the problems with things from GMOs to aspartame to high fructose corn syrup and subsidies for crap like that to amalgams to vaccines to – well, the list is so long that I’m just not surprised anymore. And, amazingly, I’m pretty much not upset. As I watched these videos I thought to myself, “Well, I’m glad that I’m a prosumer. I’m glad that I don’t take the so-called experts’ (i.e., doctors, politicians and big biz) word for it when it comes to my health and the environment. I know that I need to keep myself educated on these topics and make my own decisions from there.”
That’s the way it has to be… informed. And, if we stay informed, then we should be safe. Hopefully.