I’m 21 weeks along now in my pregnancy, and I’m so crazy super happy. Every day I wake up filled with so much joy at the thought of sharing my whole day with the growing life inside me… waiting for those fun kicks and jabs I get from him or her, and smiling all day long.
Nutrition is something I get really excited about; I’ve always had a passion for it and as such I’ve been researching it for about 15 years. Now that I’m pregnant, I take it even more seriously and I get really excited about all the foods I’m feeding both myself and my baby. It’s a pretty proud feeling to know that I’m consuming the healthiest foods in the world. To tell you the truth, I’m grateful that my body is craving these foods and has since day one of being pregnant except for about 10-14 days when I didn’t want anything unless it was bland. But, even during my weeks of intense all-day-morning sickness, I still craved fresh salads and juicy fruits most of the time. Don’t get me wrong… I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that there are times a donut sounds REALLY friggin’ tasty (not the norm for sure, but it has happened a couple times), but I’m not about to give in to something like that. Every bite of food is a chance to make my body and baby stronger and healthier… or not. I choose stronger and healthier.

2 cups Young Thai Coconut Water
I looooove fresh coconut water – it’s beautifully refreshing and delightfully tasty. Unfortunately, the coconut water I had tonight was not organic. In fact, there is controversy over whether young Thai coconuts are very healthy based on the processing they undergo to help them stay fresh during their transport. As a result, I will do one of two things. I either don’t consume them very often (I buy them at Whole Foods Market when I do), or I’ll buy a case of them online, where they’re both organic and minimally processed because they’re shipped quickly after harvesting. I haven’t done the latter of the two yet, but I plan on placing an order soon and separating the meat and water and then freezing them. My desire is to have it available during my homebirth to replenish electrolytes and keep me hydrated. (Read about my I’m having a homebirth here.)

1 cup organic Peaceful Mama Tea from Earth Mama * Angel Baby
Yay! I have been given the green light from my midwife to have organic tea blends including red raspberry leaf (I loved drinking organic red raspberry leaf tea from Traditional Medicinals and Mountain Rose Herbs while I was trying to conceive to help strengthen my uterus, so I couldn’t wait until my midwife said it was safe to drink it again). I was sent a sample box of Earth Mama * Angel Baby Organics tea. The Peaceful Mama flavor is pretty good, although a little light in flavor. I really enjoyed their Morning Wellness Tea because I’m a big fan of spearmint. It smelled so good that I would spend about 5 minutes smelling the tea bag before I put it into the hot waterl.