Last year, about this time, I started taking a liking to tea. I was a total newbie, and kind of still consider myself as that, but I’ve learned quite a bit. For starters, I had no idea that different teas should be brewed with different temperatures of water. Nuking some water in the microwave is a total no-no unless it’s absolutely necessary because you’re out of time and toddler is screaming. And, heating it on the stove is not real great either if you don’t know the temperature.
It gets a bit more complicated than even that though… once you have the temperature figured out, you need to be aware of how long you steep the leaves. Knowing these two things can make a big difference with tea making, if you want the best tea ever.

Enter: my favorite tea maker… Breville and using this great tea maker to make some Chaga Chai Tea. The Breville Tea Maker has different settings for temperature and time… making the perfect cup of tea every time. It’s the coffee maker for tea lovers. But, don’t take my word for it, check out the great reviews on this baby.

I bought a couple of books: The Tea Enthusiast’s Handbook and 20,000 Secrets of Tea.

I can say after a year of continued use, that I love my Breville Tea Maker. It was a Valentine’s Day gift from Greg (and with Valentine’s Day around the corner, maybe it’s a gift for your loved one… or yourself). I use my tea pot almost daily to make the best tea and the health benefits are felt. Plus, I think it’s the easiest (least messy) method, too. Gotta love that.