As a digital nomad, traveling and staying fit doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, for me, fitness is a priority now. I have finally, in my 40s, figured out one of the things that makes me feel the best.
Being lean, fit, and strong.
Sound silly? Like, who doesn’t feel great when they’re fit?
It’s more than that for me thought.
I’ve had many periods in my life where I relaxed my exercise, and I cut loose with my food choices. In these times my body composition changed. I put on a few pounds. I had some softness around the midsection. No big deal, right?
In fact, that’s what I kept saying, “No big deal, I’m still in good shape.”
I see women of all shapes and think the ones with curves are very pretty and just as attractive as those without them. In those times I encourage myself that it’s ok I have gained a few pounds. It never gets higher than about five pounds anyway.
Then, I figured something out. I realized that I regularly go back and forth with the same five pounds. Get too relaxed with food and exercise, gain a few pounds, feel kind of “off” and not comfortable in my clothes (I’ve always disliked anything tight on my waist – even back in high school I always opted for a baggier waisted option, something that hung a bit more lose.)
Then, I’d lose the few pounds, which required exercise and good food, feel AWESOME.
Back and forth. Again and again.
After leaving to travel the world, my soft waist came back from lack of exercise and my eating changed to omnivore with mostly good choices, but not good enough to maintain my treasured leanness.
When I eat well AND EXERCISE… I feel EMPOWERED!
I feel STRONG!
To be clear, it’s not about being skinny for me. I don’t want to be skinny. It’s not a body image disorder, at least I don’t think so.
I’m into a strong and lean body for me. Tight.
It’s very much about how I feel physically inside my body and outside. I have this total bad-ass feeling when I’m in really good shape. I feel like I’m in control of my life. I don’t feel lazy. And, I think there’s something to that.
So, I finally said to my self, “SELF! I figured out something that positively benefits my life experience, and that is to be lean and strong.”
[Read more…] about 4 Tips for Staying Fit While Traveling the World (Digital Nomad)