After recently sharing that I pretty much never miss a day of meditating with Dr. Joe Dispenza’s guided meditations, I went almost a week without doing it!
Whaaaaaaat Happened?
I’ll tell you what happened!
I bought a new iPhone, and in the process I lost all of my Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations from my Apple Music where they were stored.
It took about a week of communicating with the crew at Dr. Joe’s website to get them all back.
What Was Life Like Not Hanging Out in the Quantum with Dr. Joe?
Um. It pretty much sucked.
You know how a helium-filled balloon gets after about a week as it starts to get limp and droopy?
That was me.
For the first day or two, I was riding the high of meditation I’d done up until then. But if there was ever a time I needed to keep all steps of my Happy Sexy Millionaire program running, it was now.
(Here’s Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 to Becoming a Happy Sexy Millionaire.)
You see, I’m in Arizona visiting family. That means, well, visiting family. ;) And being extra busy. There are tons of distractions and things to do. Oh, and just just for kicks, throw in a possible global pandemic.
And, here’s the thing… my Happy Sexy Millionaire program is paramount to keeping me on-point through big changes, travel, people not sharing my enthusiasm for happiness, and everything else that’s going on.
So I needed my complete program now more than ever. But without Dr. Joe, the program wasn’t complete.
During that week of missing Dr. Joe, I relied heavily on the other two pillars of my Happy Sexy Millionaire program (Step 1: Self-Love and Step 3: Off-the-Couch Immersion). I also did some basic, non-Joe meditations through the Oak app, because I didn’t want meditation completely gone from my life. It all helped.
But it wasn’t my perfect recipe.
I was missing my Dr. Joe meditations!
Then, I finally got them back. I couldn’t wait to close the door to my bedroom and sink back into the comfort of my headphone dreamland. The moment I heard those first bars of the familiar, uplifting music — which I had anchored to manifesting and happiness — I was immediately transported into my happy place of comfort, excitement, and joy.
I felt unlimited. I felt impassioned. I felt unstoppable. I felt ALIVE!
What’s the Big Deal with Dr. Joe Dispenza?
Well, heck, he’s just brilliant. His meditations take my mind to places that no other meditations have ever been able to do. There’s simply no comparison.
He helps me get my brain waves into the perfect wavelength to reprogram my brain for success, health, and love. That is, my Happy Sexy Millionaire life.
The music he selects is perfect. It’s so effective! The words he chooses, his inflection, and the pacing… they’re all an incredible recipe for meditation and manifestation success.
I noticed a big difference in my life without Dr. Joe’s meditations.
But this was a healthy learning experience. I’m better prepared now. It’s a lesson that serves two purposes:
- It reinforces the importance of Step 2 (Law of Attraction meditations) for living my epic, legendary life!
- I have the meditations downloaded, where I can never lose them again!
Am I dependent on Dr. Joe? Dare say… addicted?!?
I’m definitely not addicted. Addiction is when you keep doing something even though it’s harmful, and these meditations are the exact opposite of harmful.
Dependent? Maybe. For now, anyway. In the same way that Luke was dependent on Yoda for his Jedi training. I’m still learning. I’m not ready to face Vader before my training is complete. One day, I’ll no longer need Dr. Joe to lift my spirits to the astral plane — I’ll be able to invoke that feeling anytime, anyplace, with no effort. And then, watch out, Vader!
But not yet.
I consider myself pretty seasoned in living my epic life.
I have dips from time to time, as we all do. But they’re rare. And when I do dip, I’m at the point where the dips are essentially insignificant. They never last more than a day before I get my sh*t together, and usually only lasting a few hours at most.
That’s because I’ve conditioned my mind and body to whether storms with ease. They’re mild and pass quickly without harm.
It’s an amazing feeling living this way, too. I have confidence and ease in spite of conditions in my life.
But one reason I’m able to do so is that I keep it up. I keep doing the work. Even when the time comes that I don’t “need” Dr. Joe’s meditations anymore, I’ll continue to do them. I expect they will always be a part of my life.
By “doing the work,” I mean that, first, I’m always manifesting! Once I manifest a particular thing or outcome, I’m off to work on another.
Second, the meditations keep me primed! I’m talkin’ tip-top shape! They amp me up daily and totally set my mind in a place that is friggin’ unlimited!
So, although it wasn’t fun being without my meditations for a week, it was a great reminder of how important they are to me. When I had them back on my phone and I started listening to the first one, I was instantly transported into a comfy-oozy-warm feeling of safety and energy. It was awesome!
But I don’t do them just because they feel good. It’s not recreation.
Meditating is actually part of my job.
I’m using these powerful meditations to help me manifest my “millionaire” life. When I meditate, it’s not just something that I want to do… it’s mandatory. It’s not taking hours away from time that I could be using to “make money.” Rather, doing the meditations is part of the actual work. When I’m meditating, I’m on the clock, actually accomplishing things.
Dr. Joe’s meditations have had such a profound impact on my outlook, strategy, energy, optimism, creativity, and plain-old productivity, that I consider them to be a fundamental component to everything that I’m striving for. Every hour I spend in headphone bliss is worth ten hours at my computer.
If you haven’t tried them yet… what are you waiting for?!
(I recommend you start with this one.) It’s a great way to start and end your day and they’re not very long (each is less than 30 minutes.).