WHEWEE! This is one hot smoothie I’m drinking. Talk about waking up! No need for coffee when you eat hot peppers. I thought I’d have some fun with my smoothie today and change it up a bit. I’m drinking a mason jar full of this sassy, hot creation: 1 cup water, 3 medium bananas, 1 big handful of Italian parsley, 1 teaspoon minced rosemary, 1 teaspoon minced marjoram, 1/2 of an habanero pepper. Yes, you read that right! I put 1/2 of an habanero pepper in my smoothie and she is HOT and waking me up! (In case you didn’t know, I don’t do anything half-assed. I’m hard-core…and habanero peppers are no exception). I’m sure if I open my mouth flames will come billowing out Smaug-style. I might not even have to go to the gym at the rate I’m starting to perspire (just kidding, I’m still going to the gym, although I’m sure my metabolism has just been cranked into high gear). Endorphins are kicking in and it feels grreeeaaaat! It’s no wonder I can be caught buying many habanero peppers at a time. The cashier always looks at me quizzically…I can’t help it, they’re addicting. It’s a cheap thrill. Who needs drugs, alcohol, or even chocolate for that matter when you can experience the high from hot peppers? Next time I meet friends for happy hour, I’m pulling one of these out of my purse to nibble on.
The Brownies Were a Hit!
I just arrived home from Wild Oats where I celebrated Oktoberfest by giving out samples for my newest recipe Easy Raw German Chocolate Brownies (donning braids in my hair and drinking kombucha from a German beer stein). Were the brownies a hit? OMG! Yes! People came back for seconds. I had no leftovers to bring home…oh well…I DID stock up my kitchen with fresh produce. Tonight, I’ll eat a gigantic fresh salad with spinach, cucumbers, red bell peppers, apples, lots of fresh herbs, and Rosemary Ranch Dressing.
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My day so far…
It’s about 3pm and I’m just waking up. I stayed up late watching movies (something to the tune of 4:30am). The night began with going to a late movie, Eastern Promises (starring Viggo Mortensen). Great movie! Yes, I brought along my green smoothie for raw goodness. Once I arrived home, I was jazzed with energy, so I watched Batman Begins and G.I.Jane (Did you know Viggo was in this movie?). At that point I was ready to work out after being inspired by Demi Moore, but the gym wasn’t open yet. Where are the 24-hour gyms when you need them?
I’m eating Raw German Chocolate Brownies for breakfast. YUM! I created this recipe because I’m doing a demonstration at Wild Oats to celebrate Oktoberfest . I might even dress up in a costume as a bar wench – haha…we’ll see. I think I’ll eat these all day because I am out of fresh produce in my house. “What??? Kristen Suzanne, you don’t have your kitchen stocked at all times?” Truth be told, I ran out of food….except for the freezer! I have loads of raw food frozen for occasions such as these. I have made (and ready for thawing)….dressings, hummus, pate, desserts and more. You see, ordinarily I’m very organized and prepared….uuhmmm….for the times I’m not prepared.
What actually happened is I spent my weekend at the 10th annual Green Building Expo. My plan was to only attend Friday, but it was so great I went back the second day. It was filled with amazing lectures on how to make green living in your home a reality. I’m now dreaming of solar panel rooftops to make my own energy to sell back to the power company. Very inspiring.
I’m off to the gym now (thoughts of Demi Moore doing her 1-arm pushups are coarsing through my mind and practically pushing me out the door to the gym).
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"The World Now Eats (And Dies) Like Americans
“This may be the first generation in which our kids live a shorter lifespan than we do,” Dr. Dean Ornish says.
The good news? These trends are preventable and even reversible through diet and exercise. Check out Dr. Ornish’s 3-minute talk here.
Go Vegan!
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Tuesday’s Exercise and Food
It’s been a wonderful day! The sun was shining bright, the sky was brilliantly blue, and I was filled with vibrant energy all day long. Lovely.
I didn’t get to the gym, so I jumped rope 3 separate times (2-3 minutes each). I followed each jump rope session with a set of 35 push-ups and a set of walking lunges down my street. I wore my ankle weights all day, everywhere. And, my dog walked me around our big block twice.
Breakfast: 4 cups smoothie (1 cup water, 3 bananas, 3/4 pound strawberries, 2 tbsp fresh rosemary and dill combined)
Dinner: veggie bowl of 4 cups diced carrots and cucumbers, 1 cup packed alfalfa sprouts, 1/4 cup fresh basil, and 1/4 cup mustard seed dressing
Dessert: large piece of pumpkin pie
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Living Green
Living the Raw Vegan lifestyle means I live a Green lifestyle, where my choices positively impact our earth. Everywhere I turn I hear about the necessity of helping our earth, the dire implications of global warming, and the increasingly popular style of living, “eco living.” I’m proud of my efforts, because I’m helping our earth and not hurting it.
A groundbreaking 2006 United Nations report illustrates raising animals for food as “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global,” showing this creates more greenhouse gases than all the trucks and cars in the world combined.
*A must-see video about global warming: John Doerr, Silicon Valley’s legendary moneyman, is discussing his fear of eco-apocalypse. View video.
*After you’re done viewing John Doerr’s speech, check out “Yahoo Green“ to learn more ways you can start living a more green existence.
*Top Reasons to avoid animal products or by-products (meat, dairy, eggs…) and Go Vegan!