I picked up a copy of Tim Ferriss’ latest book Tools of Titans, at the library, and I really enjoyed reading through it… learning about the “tactics, routines, and habits of billionaires, icons, and world-class performers.”
I’m always up for new tips and tricks to navigate life. I was a Tony Robbins fan twenty years ago, if that says anything. In fact, I still have my (really) old Get The Edge journal. That’s one I’ve kept. Tony Robbins helped me through some dark times in my life. ❤️ his work.
Anyway. Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss.
One of the people featured in Tools of Titans is Jane McGonigal. She is a research affiliate at the Institute for the Future and the author of the New York Times bestseller Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.
Tim Ferriss asked her “What is something you believe that other people think is crazy?”
Her response moved me…
“That you should never publicly criticize anyone or anything unless it is a matter of morals or ethics. Anything negative you say could at the very least ruin someone’s day, or worse, break someone’s heart, or simply change someone from being a future ally of yours to someone who will never forget that you were unkind or unfairly critical. It’s so common today to complain or criticize others’ work on social media, or dogpile on someone for a perceived offense. I won’t do it. It’s not my job to be the world’s critic, and I’d rather not rule out any future allies.”
Those are some words to live by.
I highly recommend Tools of Titans. I have many pages bookmarked and I have taken lots of notes in my journal. You know, the journal I talked about in the last post? It’s a perfect example… I’m reading a book and there are things I want to remember. Things like awesome health tips, inspiration to live my best life, recommendations for other popular and potentially life-changing books to read.
If you want to get the book from the library, then be prepared to wait because there’s probably a wait-list. I could have bought the book, but that wouldn’t have been very frugal or minimalist given my current passion for both of those. And let’s not forget we are moving abroad next year. I’d rather make room for my Instant Pot in my luggage (oh I’m gonna try) then for a giant book like Tools of Titans.