My last shocking post about my food journey into omnivore land brought me a ton of great emails from people asking what we’re eating now that we’re no longer labeling ourselves as vegan. Great question! To answer that, I thought I’d share the journey in various blog posts as it happened for us (and continues), which was/is in steps.
First and Foremost: Thank you to everyone who reached out in support of my family. I was touched from all of the wonderful emails I received. It was kind of surprising (yet, kind of not) to hear from so many people who went through similar experiences. A number of people also asked about the future for Kristen’s Raw. Well, as you might have noticed from the new header, I plan on sharing a wide spectrum of foods from raw to vegan to paleo and to what is commonly called “nourishing” or “real” foods. Since I find my food choices including recipes from all of these, I no longer label myself, which is nice. I just eat real foods, almost exclusively home made. My raw and vegan recipes of the past still have a place in my life, but we’re also eating a lot of other things. Just because we’re not exclusively vegan anymore doesn’t mean we don’t still eat raw or vegan recipes.
So, let’s get to it! Come with me into omnivore land.