WHEWEE! This is one hot smoothie I’m drinking. Talk about waking up! No need for coffee when you eat hot peppers. I thought I’d have some fun with my smoothie today and change it up a bit. I’m drinking a mason jar full of this sassy, hot creation: 1 cup water, 3 medium bananas, 1 big handful of Italian parsley, 1 teaspoon minced rosemary, 1 teaspoon minced marjoram, 1/2 of an habanero pepper. Yes, you read that right! I put 1/2 of an habanero pepper in my smoothie and she is HOT and waking me up! (In case you didn’t know, I don’t do anything half-assed. I’m hard-core…and habanero peppers are no exception). I’m sure if I open my mouth flames will come billowing out Smaug-style. I might not even have to go to the gym at the rate I’m starting to perspire (just kidding, I’m still going to the gym, although I’m sure my metabolism has just been cranked into high gear). Endorphins are kicking in and it feels grreeeaaaat! It’s no wonder I can be caught buying many habanero peppers at a time. The cashier always looks at me quizzically…I can’t help it, they’re addicting. It’s a cheap thrill. Who needs drugs, alcohol, or even chocolate for that matter when you can experience the high from hot peppers? Next time I meet friends for happy hour, I’m pulling one of these out of my purse to nibble on.
Some Like It Hot!
Keep this in mind about hot peppers…
~It’s believed that the endorphin release can help relieve PMS. Yay! I know in my own experience, they have also helped fight off headaches (both migraine and sinus!).
~Need help kicking your caffeine habit? I find hot peppers work wonders! The endorphins tackle two issues for you. 1) energy so you don’t miss the caffeine and 2) fight headaches from caffeine withdrawal.
~They warm you up in winter, so if you live in a cold climate and you’re trying to stick with Raw food, add some hot peppers to your diet.
~When trying to eat lower fat foods, throw in hot peppers for excitement. You’ll never miss the fat. Trust me. It’s those lovely endorphins…you feel so good. And I mean soooo good. uh-huh. You have to go through a little pain at the onset from eating them, but it’s worth it. The words “glutton for punishment” are floating around my head. Oh well.
~Be careful when working with hot peppers and don’t touch your face (or any part of your body for that matter!) after chopping peppers. Wash your hands immediately. You can rub olive oil on your fingers before working with them. Or, wear gloves. Personally, I have no patience for the olive oil or the gloves. I live on the edge.