I recently saw the movie, Into the Wild, and was inspired to think “outside the gym.” So, Friday we took our dog hiking (into the wild – well, kind of wild). It was gorgeous, relaxing, exhilarating and best of all…fun. It’s important to find physical activities you really enjoy because it’s the easiest way to get more exercise into your life. Other ways I get more physical activity…hula-hooping (I’m lousy, but it’s fun), dancing (lousy here, again, but I love it! I think I heard the words, “Girrrl, you ain’t got NO coordination!” – haha, oh well), and playing golf and tennis (all of these qualify as great physical activities). Oh yeah, and when I go to the store, I park way out in BFE so I get more walking into my life.
Saturday, I went to the gym and lifted weights (chest/tri – heavy weight and low reps). I want to build more muscle to burn more fat all day long. Sometimes weight lifting is fun and sometimes it’s just “okay,” so I rely on great music to keep me motivated. Same story for the gym cardio. I do have days when I’m not thrilled to be on the treadmill, but when I have a great magazine (my favorite is VegNews!) or a super book to read, then I truly look forward to my time with the treadmill or stairstepper. It’s about being smart and making it work for you.
Food for Friday and Saturday are the same (I don’t mind eating the same delicious food a few days in a row).
Breakfasts: 1 qrt Smoothie (water,bananas, cranberries, basil, red jalapeno pepper)
Snacks: Kombucha
Lunches: 1 qrt Smoothie (replaced cranberries from before with Raw chocolate)
Dinners: Large portion of Carrot Pasta with Indian Marinara
Desserts: Chocolate Hazelnut Cheesecake