Did you know that Americans spend an estimated $2.7 billion annually on ribbons, paper, and bows, and almost all of those goods end up in the dumpster? That’s purely wasteful.
It’s no secret that eating a Raw vegan diet makes a difference for our planet, whether you’re 100% or not (every little bit counts!). But, I don’t stop with just my diet. I “live“ the Raw vegan lifestyle…so I incorporate food and the environment as priorities in my life and you should, too.
With the holidays coming upon us, let’s help save our home, the earth, by taking a look at gift wrapping (and all year for that matter, i.e. birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).
This year, try re-purposing stuff. Eco-stylist Dany Seo, author or the new book, Simply Green Giving, wrote, “It’s amazing what you can find at Goodwill. Vintage fabrics, wallpaper, and sweaters all make great wrapping – just look for rich textures.” Sometimes the wrap will serve as part of the gift, as in the case of a belt or scarf used as a bow.
Here are some more ideas that you can use for wrapping: Magazines, newsprint, comics, and so on make cool gift wrap. Get creative and find ads that “speak” to the person you’re giving the gift to; this makes it extra special, fun and personal. (This is a picture of a book wrapped for a friend using ads from Fast Company magazine.) You can also reuse gift wrap from previous years or use brown paper bags you get from the grocery store.
If anyone looks at you funny, just say, “I’m doing the Green thing.” People not only get it, they usually appreciate it, or comment on how they might consider doing it themselves.