I’m working on a fabulous Raw vegan dinner that I’ll be serving family and out-of-town guests tomorrow. For the main course, I’m serving Gourmet Italian Quiche Tarts that will be served alongside a fresh, crisp romaine salad sprinkled with Raw Parmesan Cheese and topped with my brilliant new Hemp Omega Caesar Dressing. For dessert, I made a divine Organic Double Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake (will post recipe later).
Nutrition never tasted so good!
In the meantime, I’ve been gobbling up this scrumptiously saucy dish. I’m sure you all know by now that I love eating salads loaded with chopped veggies. Well, here is a delicious creamy sauce that will sass up any combination of chopped veggies (or salad). I’ve been enjoying this all day. Fresh avocados, orange, garlic, curry….hhhmmm. Yum!
Creamy Curry Sauce
Yield approximately 2 cups
3/4 cup water
2 avocados, pitted and peeled
1 orange, peeled, seeded
1 clove garlic
juice of 1 lime
1/2 teaspoon Himalayan crystal salt
2 teaspoons curry
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Blend all of the ingredients until creamy. Serve over your favorite chopped veggies or salad.