Today it was such a lovely day in Arizona. The warm sun was shining in the bright blue sky, and I filled my body with Organic Raw goodness. I was craving Mesquite Carob Banana Smoothies with Sassy Superfood Green Goodness…so I drank like…uhmm, four of them. And they were large ones at that. What can say? I go a little overboard sometimes. *giggle*
When I was not outside enjoying the gorgeous sun today, I was having fun exchanging emails with people all over the world answering great questions about living the Raw lifestyle, swapping cool ideas about athletics, and making friends. I get so excited when I think about all of the new pals I’m making. (Note: This is always nice when you’re traveling and need somewhere to stay, am I right? haha).
Welcome to the center of your life.
Wake up and see the other souls around you. Let them affect you. Live in the center of your life.
~Juicy Living Cards by SARK