My smoothie today – Chunky Love. I smished (yep, that’s a technical term – haha) so much stuff into my BlendTec that it’s no wonder it didn’t all get blended in the first cycle. As I was pouring it into my quart glass mason jar, a chunk of it kind of sploshed (another one of those technical terms) onto the counter and all I could think was….Chunky Love. And, indeed it is delicious!!!
1 cup Water
2 stalks celery
1/2 bunch parsley
2 oranges, peeled
1 lime, peeled
1 apple, cored
1 tablespoon Vitamineral Green Powder
1 tablespoon whole, fresh rosemary
4 leaves red kale (smallish in size), destemmed
Physical Excellence
It’s been a while since I reported on any physical activity (except for the snowboarding) so I’m overdue. I went to the gym two days ago and knocked out some chest exercises. Today, I’m going to work on back and biceps. Then, I’m taking my dog for a long walk. (The weather is simply way too gorgeous to be indoors today!)