We’ve been staying at my mom’s for a few days and I’m up to my armpits in fresh produce. Not hard to imagine when you think about 3 people juice feasting! My boyfriend and I have been sticking to juice all day long and then having something very small for dinner (and then more juice for the remainder of the evening). My weight loss / maintenance has been perfect as a result (very manageable) and I feel wonderful.
Tomorrow, when we return home, we’re going to have smoothies for the day, instead of juice, so I can take a break from juicing. Mom has stayed with just juice the whole time and has lost 7 pounds in a week. She’s had tired days, headache days, and some days where she feels okay. She’s committed to sticking with it longer so she can drop some more pounds.
We went hiking yesterday and our dog had on booties. Love those (especially when we first put them on him! hilarious and adorable). He was definitely the coolest dog on the trail as everyone who passed by complimented him on them. The hike was beautiful and lasted about 1 hour…just enough to get a little workout in before we headed to the gym to lift weights.
Kristen’s Raw Update: I’ve been working on my next two ebooks. They are truly amazing, and I mean truly amazing! You’re going to love them :)
Here is the recipe for tomorrow’s delicious breakfast smoothie I’ll be enjoying…want to join me? I promise it’s fabulous! (There are no greens in it….God knows I’ve had enough of those lately – haha!)
Blueberry Cardamom Breakfast Smoothie
Yield 1 large or 2 small servings
2 cups water
2 cups frozen organic blueberries
2 frozen organic bananas
1/4 teaspoon cardamom
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
Give everything a whirl in your blender and enjoy this fabulous breakfast of real champions.