Today I’m juicing all day. My body is craving the liquids, the nutrition, and my cells are asking me to do it…so I’m going to listen to them. I woke up and made some delicious juices. They taste so yummy!
Two quarts:
parsley, lemon, cucumber, purple radishes, Vitamineral Green powder, celery, apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne
Two quarts:
celery, cucumber, apple, carrot, lemon, curry
I feel wonderful today, and I’m exceptionally happy about the class I’m teaching at Whole Foods tomorrow, Raw Around the World. We’re going to have a blast (as usual!). Later today, I’m taking my dog for a long walk (the weather is gorgeous – I just have to get outside and be in it).
Question of the Day:
I’ll be featuring a question of the day on my blog. I picked up these adorable cards where they have one question on each card and they’re used as conversation starters. So, the next time you find yourself meeting new people (whether you’re on a hot date, meeting the parents of your new boy/girlfriend, looking for something to chat about with a co-worker, or simply looking for stimulating and fun conversation with your significant other) these are perfect! (And, feel free to respond to the blog post right here with your own answers…I’d love to hear from you.)
Daily Conversation Question:
Where would you most like to travel?