I love my Fridays…new movies typically start, everyone is in a good mood, life seems more relaxed and I’m more than happy to participate in all of that goodness! I’m hoping to see the movie 21 tonight and sneak in a tasty smoothie to enjoy at the same time. I made an especially delicious one for it:
Super Star Chocolate Vanilla Power
Yield 2 1/2 cups
1 cup water
1 cup Super Star Vanilla Sauce
2 tablespoons Navitas Raw chocolate powder
2 tablespoons Manitoba Harvest Hemp Protein Powder
Blend it all up, transfer to a glass mason jar and sneak into the movie with this amazing treat! (Oops, I just drank it all while writing this – it was so I delicious that I couldn’t help myself – haha – so I guess I won’t be taking it to the movies.)
Update! Great news – my neck is getting better, thanks to the fantastic treatment I’m receiving at Iron Care. I’ve been given the green light to get back into the gym – hooray!
Daily Conversation Question:
If you owned a boat, what name would you choose for it and why?