Okay, not to gush too romantic, but I just had to share. As many of you know, I’ve begun cleaning out every possible source of toxin in my world, in order to create an ideal body and environment for getting pregnant. I just switched to all organic bedding, had my amalgam fillings removed, threw out chemical-laden cosmetics, and so on. I’ve now come face-to-face with the most challenging change yet — don’t laugh, but it’s my hair color!
The world has not known my true color since I was, seriously, eleven years old. I’ve been blonde so long that it has been inseparable with my self-identity. But no more. That’s right, I’m going all natural in the hair department. Not only are the harsh chemicals for color-treating hair potential toxins for pregnant and nursing mothers, but — more significantly — those same chemicals do so much damage to hair that you must use even more chemicals (plastics, basically) to make color-treated hair soft and silky. That’s right, I have blonde, plastic hair!
So as a big part of my going green, I’m officially going brown! haha! I’m attacking the blonde from both ends, growing out my natural color, but also cutting my hair shorter to hasten the awkward transition period (I opted to go two-tone for a few months rather than dye my hair brunette and grow out naturally from there.) As my first step, I just had over 4 inches cut off, and got bangs for the first time since I was a kid. (Click on the image to view full size.)
Here’s the romantic part. My amazing boyfriend, so full of love and support for this process, surprised me by staying up all night and creating this portrait of me, titled “Starlight,” which he calls “a tribute to my evolving spirit and inner goddess.” Whoa. Who says stuff like that!? It absolutely melted my heart when I saw it! (He’s the bomb.)
It was inspired by equal parts space-travel beach scene from Contact (the movie) and Starlight, the wonderfully intense, uplifting, romantic song by his favorite band, Muse — listen here, the lyrics really say it all, simply beautiful.
So here you go, blonde hair, your last big HURRAH! The transformation has officially begun!
“Far away… this ship is taking me far away…”