It’s been an exciting week so far. I’ve been assembling my future birthing team (found my midwife already) and this week we interviewed our future doula. I want to have as much planned and figured out as possible so that when I’m actually pregnant, I can just relax and focus on the health of my mind, body, and spirit. Anyway, back to my doula… she’s AMAZING! We clicked immediately and I’m truly ecstatic to have her as a part of my birthing team.
What is a doula? Well, she’s basically my helper for anything I need during birth. The word “doula” means “servant to women” so she’ll be there to do everything she can do make me comfortable from massage to making sure I’m hydrated and fed to coaching and supporting us to running interference if anyone or anything is messing with my birthing flow (very important!) to helping me have the best and most safe birth experience I can.
What am I eating these days? My goal is to get used to eating a little more than I usually do. I want to put on a couple of pounds to help facilitate getting pregnant and get used to eating more protein on a daily basis. For the past couple of months (and going forward), my HRAV food intake includes:
a) 1-2 quarts fresh organic green juice (I affectionately call it Plant Blood)
b) Organic Hemp Green Smoothie (loaded up with all kinds of goodies for extra nutrition)
c) Vitamineral Green Powder
d) Fruits of the Earth Powder (and/or camu powder) every few days or so
e) Fresh fruit and salads
f) More Raw Vegan foods (for example: raw pasta, pesto, soup, crackers, etc) and/or low fat cooked vegan foods (for example: lentil soup, beans, sprouted bread with raw nut butter and jelly, hummus, red quinoa, cereal/raw hemp seed milk, etc).
g) I’m still taking my Heavy Metal Nano Detox (will be done this week) and Pine’s Wheat Grass (will take throughout pregnancy and beyond) daily
h) I’m done taking my ground milk thistle seeds to cleanse my liver
i) I’ve recently decided to add this Vitamin B complex after much research and debate. I’d rather be safe than sorry and I can’t guarantee to get enough B-vitamins with my foods alone. I don’t want to stress about it either, that would wreak havoc on my body.
j) Women’s Tea of nettle, alfalfa, and raspberry leaf daily (I want to add lemon balm, but mountainroseherbs is out of stock right now).
Another thing I’m getting into my routine is taking a 2-3 mile walk every day no matter what. It’s something I want to keep doing all through pregnancy so I’m getting into the habit for it now.
Daily Conversation Question:
In what era would you most like to have grown up?