It’s been an exciting week and I have SUPER FUN news to share with everyone… but, not yet. It has to stay a secret just a little while longer. Oh!!! I wish I could share it with you now, but I must wait! Just a handful of days more! I suck at keeping secrets like this, but I’m trying crazy hard!!!
So, on to other things to distract myself from typing the news :)
Plant Blood: I’m feeling great and loving life as usual. I just polished off a delicious quart of fresh organic Plant Blood that I made with dandelion, kale, zucchini, cucumber, and celery. It was so good. I feel like my insides are glowing from the refreshing chill of it. Hard to explain, but it feels so darn healthy and good. Tomorrow, we’re cleansing and fasting by drinking just Plant Blood all day. Stay tuned…
Chocolate Colored Hair On The Horizon: My hair is starting to look interesting as it detoxes from the mud I’m using to cleanse it and letting it grow out at the same time. I’m two toned now – haha, but it makes for a great conversation piece. I love telling people why I’m going to my natural color. I’m cutting more off tonight… as my guy says, “I’m attacking it from both ends.” I’m definitely eager to get all of the dry, frizzy blond off, but I’ve always had long hair so I’m not quite used to cutting it this much. However, I embrace change and it’s actually turning out to be fun and exciting.
A Greener Existence: I’m proud because we just took another step toward a greener life by setting up a clothes drying rack to air dry our clothes. I feel like such a Mama Earth Warrior :)
Daily Conversation Question:
What would you most like to learn how to do on a computer?