Congratulations Deanna!!! Your name was drawn from the big bowl of names for participating in my 3rd Awesome Giveaway. As you know, you’ve won a jar of Fruits of the Earth Powder. Simply send me an email (or respond on this post) with your address so I can get it out to you right away.
Here is what Deanna had to say when asked, “What one (or many) things are you doing to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle?”
I eat a vegan and mostly raw diet. We recycle in our household, use clothe shopping bags, eco friecdly cleaners, compost, carpool to work and I sometimes ride my bike (weather permitting). That’s what I can think of for now!
My next Awesome Giveaway is right around the corner in December. Check back for details! Thanks to all of you who participated. I was inspired and motivated after reading all of your answers. You ROCK!