It’s that time… New Year’s Resolutions are at the forefront of many people’s minds, including mine. I love this process – thinking about the future, planning, getting excited about the projects and things I want to work on. It fills me with hope.
Every year, my husband and I stay “in” for New Year’s Eve. We light candles, play fun music, turn on the Christmas lights and write our resolutions. I do it BIG style though. I take the opportunity of the new year and really take a look at my life and what I want to accomplish for the coming year. So, I take the practice of setting “resolutions” and kick it up a notch.
First, we get out last year’s boards (I’ll explain “boards” in a moment) and we go through everything we wrote about last year. We talk about how far or close we came with certain resolutions/goals, cross off the accomplishments, and use this info to help formulate plans for the following year.
We each get out a big piece of poster board (hence, the “board”) and work on our resolutions for the coming year. I separate my life into facets such as: Health, Leisure, Relationships, Finance, Career, etc. Then, I write individual short term and long terms resolutions/goals in all of these categories. I make the whole process really fun and go all out! I use colored pens, stickers, glitter, and highlighters.
When I’m all done with it, I hang it on the wall by my desk so I can see it every day and be reminded of all the Big and Little Resolutions I set for myself. This REALLY helps me stay on track and MOTIVATED! And, it’s fun building my New Year’s Resolution Picture (i.e., the poster board).
Want to get started yourself? Here’s a great site to help you –