I’ve been trying out a new hair care system for about the past month, and I’m loving it. My hair is about 90% grown out now (with my natural color of chocolate brown), and I adore it. It’s soft, silky, and oh-so-healthy! For those of you interested in the story of my transformation from blond locks to brunette tresses, read here.
Prior to finding this other company for hair care, I was using Terressentials mud to wash my hair (since about August 2008). That was an interesting and neat experience. But… a couple of months ago, from time to time, I was getting flakes. Eek! I tried using an apple cider vinegar/water rinse and I tried using coconut oil, but without success. Also, (after washing) some days my hair was soft and clean feeling, other days it wasn’t. (Don’t get me wrong, I still love many of their products, but I think my time with their hair care products was coming to an end).
I decided to look for another line that was as natural as I could get. I even thought I was willing to compromise a tiny bit with the ingredients (and not be such a purist), so I looked at Aubrey Organics, Suki, and some others. But, every time I read the labels, I couldn’t help but feel a little disheartened when comparing them to the purity of Terressentials’ mud. I work so hard to keep my body clean internally and externally that I just couldn’t compromise in the end.
Morrocco Method comes to the rescue!
I did some more searching online and came upon Morrocco Method products. I was immediately intrigued because the website boasts about its products being Raw, Vegan, and Eco-friendly. My pulse quickened and my eyes devoured the entire website.
However, before committing, I decided to google some reviews about it. For the most part, people’s reviews show they love the line, including a very good review from Organic Lifestyle Magazine who highly recommends the products (read review here). I agree with the issue OLM had with the company’s accompanying literature in the package (it’s a little on the pathetic side, yet it is informative). OLM also had an issue with how the staff treated them, but I must say that when I called them with some questions, they were extremely friendly and very professional. And, I scored some free samples in my package, including a face scrub (love it!) and I’ve since gone back to order a bottle of it.
There were a couple of reviews online that weren’t great about the shampoos, but for those people, it seems that their main complaint was either the lack of lather or the price or the smell. The different products smell very earthy and I actually really like it. As for the lack of lather… well, you’re looking at a gal who shampooed with mud for months (zero lather), so I’m used to using all natural products like this. (BTW, Morrocco Method actually does give a little lather.)
So… what happened to the scalp problems I had? They went away immediately. Ever since I started using Morrocco Method, my hair has been so freakin’ soft, shiny, and silky. It’s extra gorgeous! My husband is amazed and loves touching my hair (he’s always commenting on how soft it is). And, just this weekend, my mom commented on how pretty my hair was. For those of you who don’t know the story… this is huge! She was bummed that I was no longer going to color my hair blond. And, it’s been a tiny bit of tension between us since I started growing it out. But, oh my goodness, this weekend she mentioned on more than one occasion that she was amazed at how shiny, soft, and pretty it was. She admitted that she actually likes it.
I have the entire shampoo system (4 bottles of different shampoo that I rotate) and one conditioner called Chi Conditioner. That system alone is awesome. I also bought the oil and have used that twice, and I have the hair gel (that’s been great, too!). I decided to give the two conditioning sprays a try so I recently bought the sample/travel conditioning kit. The first night I used one of the sprays (for volume) I washed my hair, sprayed the stuff in, and went to bed. I woke up and my hair had so much body it looked like Edward’s in Twilight – ha ha!
The system isn’t cheap, but it’s so healthy for my hair and body that I can’t imagine using anything else right now. Plus, I stretch it out. Since I don’t wash my hair daily (more like 2-3 times a week), I don’t use much of the product so it’ll last awhile. I, do, however recommend getting a couple of the Chi Conditioners because obviously you’ll run out of that quicker. If you want to try the system out first, you can buy the travel/sample shampoo kit and the travel/sample conditioning kit. I recommend signing up for their newsletter because they frequently offer specials and coupons.
UPDATE: They also have a new cream rinse called, Pearl Essence. I’ve only tried it a couple of times in a sample size, but I like this, too.
I hope if you try this system that it works as great for you as it has for me!