Today’s update is somewhat good. My hcg preg hormone went up, although again the doc would like it higher. Yet, it went up so I’m still thrilled :). And, I’ve heard from many women who had low numbers but still gave birth to healthy babies. I had my 7-week ultrasound this morning as well, and I didn’t hear a heartbeat but the tech wouldn’t tell me anything. The radiologist was supposed to send those results to New Hope Fertility Clinic where my doctor is (Dr. Zhang), but they didn’t yet. I suspect I’ll hear more about that tomorrow. My instructions from my doc, based on my blood results, are to continue meds, take it easy, no heavy lifting or anything strenuous… same as before.
I’m keeping up my super healthy diet. We had fresh organic green juice today (carrot, beet greens, cucumber and a dash of coconut oil) as well as fruit, beets, lentils with miso, coconut yogurt, and my “Monkey Oats” – semi-raw dish: 1/4 cup cooked oat groats which are then topped with plenty of raw goodies such as (soaked, sprouted and dehydrated) pumpkin seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, raisins, either raw hemp milk or a splash of coconut milk (same brand as the coconut yogurt above), and sometimes I add a tiny bit of molasses or chopped banana.
Thank you to everyone for your positive energy, kind thoughts, and prayers! They mean SO much to me!!!! It’s awesome knowing I have such a strong network all over the world pulling for me and my Monkey. Thank you!!! Love you!