Congratulations EARTH MOTHER and MARATHON VAL!!! Your names were chosen as the winners of my 15th Awesome Giveaway. The prize: Earth Mother has won the Perfect Weight vitamins from Vitamin Code and Marathon Val has won a bottle of Raw One For Women – YAY!!!!!! Simply email me the address you want your prize mailed to.
Here is what Earth Mother and Marathon Val had to say when asked, “Which bottle of vitamins do you want to win AND why?”
Earth Mother wrote, “I’d like the Perfect Weight vitamin. Their website said that lifestyle changes like diet and increased exercise put more stress on the body’s system. Hello? I’ve gone from a highly processed carnivorous diet to a raw vegan diet in the past year, AND from being a sedentary couch potato to walking 6+ miles a day.
Yikes! Think I qualify? :D”
Marathon Val wrote, “I would love the raw vitamins! I never know if I am taking the “right” vitamins and I know many brands do not contain the best ingredients.”
Please note: The Perfect Weight vitamins are not intended for women trying to conceive, who are pregnant or who are breast feeding. Vitamin Code’s Prenatals are perfect for those times!
My next Awesome Giveaway is in December, so check back for details!