I’ve been tracking my food intake for the past week. Here are all of our good eats!
2 pink grapefruits – fresh from my mom’s backyard (have you been following her blog lately?)
Red pear
1/2 KeVita
Shot of E3-Live
Quart of Green Juice
Large bowl of granola and almond milk
2 small collard green wraps
2 crackers
Large kale salad
Green Smoothie
Shot of E3-Live
Green Juice – kale, cucumber, celery, broccoli, mandarin orange
Green Smoothie – spinach, water, banana, orange
Granola with almond milk
Thai Cole Slaw
3 prunes
Banana Nut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream
3 cups Green juice: kale, celery, cucumber, lemon
Fruity Chard Smoothie: 2 cups almond milk, 1 orange, orange zest, 2 big leaves chard, 10oz bag frozen strawberries, stevia
1 Pink Grapefruit
3 Dried apricots
2 pieces dried papaya
2 cups Fresh Herb Green Soup: 1-2 cups water, 2 leaves rainbow chard, 1 apple (cored), juice from 1 orange, 1 zucchini, 2 teaspoons fresh chives, 1T miso, 4-5 romaine lettuce leaves, 1 avocado, 1 yellow bell pepper, handful of sprouts blended in and some more on top, 1T tamari, juice from 1/2 lemon, 1/4 cup fresh basil, 1T fresh dill
2 cups Soup (same as above)
Kale chips
Rawtella spoonful
Banana Chocolate Nut Butter ice cream
3 cups Green juice: cucumber, collard green, lemon, celery
2/3 Pink Grapefruit
Pure Trail Mix bar
3 cups smoothie: almond milk, 2 oranges, orange extract, orange zest, vanilla powder, collard green, 1 teaspoon Greener Grasses
Large Salad: 1 avo, coconut vinegar, herbamere, curry powder, basil, 2 olives, romaine, red bell pepper plus 3 dried apricots and 3 crackers
1 Spoonful Rawtella
La La Pasta: Zucchini noodles with red bell pepper, chives, basil, diced avocado, lemon juice, salt
Chocolate granola with raw almond milk
Protein shake