Here is my food journal from Wednesday.
Pre workout fuel: 2 scoops Sun Warrior protein powder, 1 banana, ice, and water blended. Plus I ate 1 1/2 cups blueberries
Post workout fuel: Boku bar, 1 apple, krautwich (2 sprouted pieces of bread, gently toasted, with sauerkraut stuffed between them)
Lunch: Large salad of romaine lettuce, apple, cucumber and topped with my delicious 4-Ingredient Magic dressing
Dinner: Double serving of my Cheezy Corkscrew Macaroni (my popular, part cooked, part raw recipe transition recipe from my book, Kristen Suzanne’s Easy Raw Vegan Transition Recipes). My step-dad begs me to make this every time I visit. For this batch, I made double the raw sauce so I could keep some for veggie dipping later. The cooked part was noodles, broccoli, onions, and black beans.
Dessert: Two big 5-Minute Walnut Brownies (a new recipe that will be featured in my upcoming book with Chronicle Books)