I am in the mood for some more greens in my life. At least I think I am.
The trouble is that I get inspired about it at night when I’m thinking about food (…in bed… before I meditate… because trying to meditate while thinking about food never works). However, when the next day arrives, I’m not really in the mood to make or drink a green smoothie. And, I have all of the produce sitting in the fridge… waiting to be whipped up in my blender.
I’m in like… no mood.
So, last night I decided I should make my smoothie the night before so it’s all ready to drink in the morning. Totally worked.
I opened the fridge to see my bright-eyed and bushy-tailed green smoothie waiting to be consumed. Extra bonus: it was cold from being in the fridge all night which made it extra tasty.
Yup. This is my new thing. Make the smoothie at night.
PS. That’s a new book I’m reading, The Vitamin Cure for Children’s Health Problems. It has a nifty chart detailing vitamins (with interesting amounts recommended), plus a chapter on high-dose vitamin C therapy. He also wrote a book for infants and toddlers, but I haven’t read that one.