I have kept journals in some form throughout my life. I will write a lot in them… I will study the pages often … and when I feel they have become a part of me, I usually tear them out and start over or transfer to a new journal what I’m still loving, needing, or working on.
As a minimalist, I like to distill down the important points I want to remember and get rid of the extra fluff. So a page in my journal might start filled with words and stickers and shapes and colors and pictures, but after a while I realize I don’t need all of it and I will rewrite it in fewer words. Sometimes I just “white it out” or cover with blank paper using tape and glue. I have some interesting journals to say the least.
Sometimes old thoughts, feelings, writings, or ideas don’t apply anymore because I have grown, matured, developed, or my preferences have changed.
Out with the old and in with the new.
Eventually my pages get too filled and I’m ready to start a new one, inevitably transferring some of the old ideas and things I’m still working on into the new journal amidst clean crisp white pages ready for all the new lessons and things I want to work on.
I like to keep a current journal with me at all times, especially while traveling. This is my latest one. Here are a few pages of the things I’m working on instilling inside me right now. My inspirations.
In the back of the notebook is also a section where I am keeping notes about olive oils. Another section I am tracking notes on finances and frugality.
My journal covers an array of topics and coffee stains … just depends on what is going on in my life at the moment.
Ideally I would use my iPhone for my journal. I’m a fan of Evernote, in spite of its limitations with folders, for keeping notes and ideas💡 but it just does not inspire me like a paper notebook does in my hands. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned. I like looking at the paper more so than the screen.
I have tried to do away with the journal in paper form, and only relying on my phone so that I am carrying less… I always find myself going back to having a paper journal. (I like stickers and glitter pens too.)
Various quotes and ideas I’ve come across that inspire me.
From Only Love Today – a good book by the author of Hands Free Mama (another favorite book)
I still need reminding for this 😳
When I’m still, quiet, sitting and simply listening … I get the most peace and clarity. But, I need reminding to do it.
When we move abroad I would like a journal with me, but the one I have now is too big for travel. I will be looking for something small and minimalist. A pocket-sized Traveler’s Journal might be perfect.