Ouch! That’s what I say about this workout. My legs were shakin’ and I almost couldn’t walk out of the gym (in a good way of course!). My workout was hard and intense…just the way I like it. If you’ve read my website, Kristen’s Raw, then you know I was a former competitive body builder. As a result, I’m definitely hooked on weight training for fat burning, staying in the best shape, and building strong bones (yes, there’s a place for cardio, but weight training takes the cake in my opinion).
Weights: Legs; 4 straight sets for each exercise; low reps, heavy weight
*Walking lunges with 15 lb. dumbells, leg press, lying leg curl, and one set (each leg) of single leg squats
Cardio: Treadmill 15 minutes > combo of run (zero-incline) and fast-paced walk (7-incline)
Music: Fergie, George Michael, Linkin Park, Lucy Woodward
Post-workout Smoothie: 2 bananas, water, 2 packed tablespoons (mixture of minced dill, rosemary, & mint) YUMMMMMM! I felt amazing after drinking it, and ready to take on the world (after my legs rested of course).