I never wanted an Apple watch, but here I am loving it more than most of the things I’ve bought in my life.
When it first came out (years ago), I was tempted because it was “new” and I like having the new things. But I stayed away from it, because I didn’t really need it, and I didn’t want something with Bluetooth on my wrist all the time.
Today, my mind is different.
I like music when I’m exercising and working. I dictate my novels with music in the background while I walk. I don’t always have shorts with pockets (but I love THESE!!!!!), and I relish the freedom of a tiny device holding all of my music, podcasts, and audiobooks – like a watch!!!
For starters, I walk a lot, and I long for the freedom to leave my phone at home when I take walks and run. Do you know what it’s like to run without pockets with the too-big iPhone 11? Clunky.
THOSE CIRCLES! Close the circles!
The Apple watch a series 3 is one of the best things I’ve bought. It’s keeping me in great shape cuz it reminds me to get up and “close those circles!” The funny thing is I never thought I needed motivation to exercise. I have a lot of willpower. I’m a focused and determined woman, but even I have improved dramatically since slapping this watch on my wrist.
If you didn’t know, there are these circles on the watch, three circles a day, that you want close. They represent the number of times you stand up, the number of minutes you exercise, and the number of active calories you burn.
It might not seem like these are a big deal, but it’s fun accomplishing these goals every day. I didn’t expect to love this about the watch… the quantum-self aspects of it, but I’m a MEGA fan-girl now.
When I wrote my first romance novel, Lockdown Love, I spent too much time sitting, in spite of my walking dictation! My body felt it, too. Yowza.
But, since getting the watch, I’ve written my 2nd and 3rd novels in tip-top shape and feeling great, because I’m getting more exercise and standing up regularly.
It’s one thing to set an alarm to stand more — so easy to dismiss when you’re in the middle of writing a steamy sex scene! But, it’s a totally different thing to have a notification to stand AND, IF YOU DON’T, YOU FAIL AT CLOSING YOUR CIRCLES!
You better believe, I get my ass up! Every damn time!

My favorite things…
Here are my other favorite things about the watch I didn’t expect.
I officially love swimming! Totally didn’t expect this.
I never enjoyed laps before. I used to get in a pool, swim 2 laps to say I did it, and then I’d lounge in the shallow end, doing the minimal amount to feel like I’m accomplishing more than lying on a raft.
But one day I wore the watch swimming and it’s like it MADE ME SWIM LAPS. How could I not? It was tracking everything, while I did it, and that inspired me! I don’t know if that sounds silly, but I swim every day now, just to wear that watch and get my active calories up so I can “close dat circle!”
I never knew swimming was such amazing exercise. Seriously.
Text Messaging in the Shower
Then there was the time I was in the shower and I was wearing the watch when a notification went off that I had a text message. And? I was able to reply! I still crack up thinking about that.
Now, I normally prefer my showers without technology. It’s the place where a lot of people get ideas. In fact, it’s the place where I created the first scene in my first romance novel, Lockdown Love. A eureka moment for me. So, while the last thing I would typically want is technology in the shower, it was cool to text my BFF from there.
Between the constant motivating feedback of my exercise habits (there are great apps for the watch too, like this awesome one, “7”)… swimming with it, texting or dictating in the Voice Memos app while showering, the tiny package it is housing my music, audible books, and podcasts, and the overall awesomeness of having everything, like my to-do lists, at my fingertips, I enthusiastically wear this puppy every day!
And? I think the price is reasonable at under $200 on Amazon as of this writing… especially given that I don’t have gym membership right now with the pandemic, and will not have one for the foreseeable future. This helps keep my ass in shape! (I just wish they had the series 3 in pink!)