It’s been a terrific few days since my last post (let’s just say that a lot has been going on in my life – all great stuff!). I’m feeling fantastic, as usual, and filling my body with tons of fresh Raw food nutrition. I’m drinking lots of Plant Blood (a.k.a. green juice), and it’s so refreshing during the hot summer months in Arizona; definitely helps keep me cool, especially when I make the base with cucumber. I’m also taking in about 10-15 minutes of daily vitamin D (sunshine), getting restful sleep, eating healthy organic food, taking daily walks, and just having a ball :)
Special THANK YOU to ShannonMarie of Rawdorable for nominating me for VegNews Annual Veg Awards. I’m not an official nominee, but you’re allowed to add “other” as an option and she did that for Favorite Cookbook!!! I’m so honored that you thought of me, ShannonMarie, thank you!
We purchased a kick-ass water filter (this thing is so great!) that I can’t wait to tell you about (a future post will give you details). My water is officially delicious, fresh, clean, healthy and it’s another step toward a more environmental life (no plastic water bottles!)
Well, I’m off to spend part of the day with my mom :)
Rainbow Plant Blood
1 delicious quart
1 beet
1 zucchini
1 lg cucumber
3 lg rainbow Swiss chard leaves
Daily Conversation Question:
If you didn’t have to worry about money what would you do with your life?