Thank you for sharing in the excitement of my purchasing a Norwalk Juicer! After I bought it, I was envisioning how my juicing process will be. In the past, I used quart size glass mason jars, but I decided I wanted to move to pint size and drink a pint at a time, so that means my juices will get less exposure to oxygen if I store them in smaller quantities.
Off to Amazon I go… looking for pint size mason jars. While getting ready to make my purchase, I was reading in the comments and reviews and learned that the glass mason jars’ lids have BPA in them. Gasp! Now, when it comes to using mason jars for things like nuts and seeds I am not as concerned, although still disappointed. But, when I use the jars for green juice or nut milk, I fill the jar to the tippy-top with liquid. That would not be good because it’d touch the BPA lid. Ick!
However! I also read a review, where I was directed to the name of a company that makes lids that are BPA free. Whew! So I ordered some. You can buy regular size lids here and you can buy widemouth size lids here.
Here is a good article from Tree Hugger about this very topic.