Finally. I have found a way to roast brussels sprouts (and many other dense veggies) that works easily and wonderfully every time.

It requires the use of aluminum foil on top. More on that later.
I first learned this technique on America’s Test Kitchen and I’ve used it to roast most of my vegetables ever since.
It’s super simple.
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.
(If doing just brussels sprouts, then skip the onion and carrot part). Use the carrots with the tops on, if possible, because they’re usually more fresh. Cut the green tops off when you get home from the store before putting them in the fridge.

The size of the carrots you decide to chop doesn’t really matter too much so long as they’re not too different in size (or too big compared to the brussels sprouts) or everything will cook unevenly. A good rule of thumb is to keep the veggies of similar size – at least somewhat.

This is my favorite knife. I’ve been using my MAC for about 10 years now.

Put all of the veggies in a bowl.

Warm up the ghee – how much? A nice big glob. :) And, make sure you get the best ghee there is, Ancient Organics. I promise you, no other ghee compares.

Add a tablespoon or so of filtered water to the veggies. Yup… water.

Add the melted ghee, plus a healthy sprinkling of sea salt and some freshly ground black pepper to the veggies.
Stir everything together so they’re all one big happy family.
Dump ’em all onto a large baking sheet (rimmed) and spread ’em around so they’re not too crowded, if possible. If they’re crowded, not that big of a deal in my experience. Turn the brussels sprouts cut-side down.

Here’s where the foil comes in. Cover the sheet with aluminum foil. This allows the veggies to steam a bit before getting roasted so they cook thoroughly. Genius, America’s Test Kitchen.

Cook for 12 minutes in a 400 degree F oven, and then take the foil off for the remainder of the cooking time. ATK likes to cook at a higher temp, but I don’t want to annihilate my veggies – though I love me some extra caramelized veggies once in a while.

Cook for another 12 minutes and they’re done (or they should be).
To sum it up: the total cooking time is about 22 to 28 minutes – give or take – depending on size of veg. The first half of that cooking time is spent with foil on and the second half has foil off.

Here are some more details…
- Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.
- Wash your veggies. I use a couple pounds of veggies – or something like that. If I use all brussels sprouts, I’ll aim for about 2 pounds. If I don’t have enough brussels sprouts like in this post, I add carrots. And, I love adding some purple onion. We looooove roasted onions.
- Get out a roasting pan or rimmed baking sheet, a knife, grass-fed ghee, sea salt, and black pepper. Oh, get that aluminum foil, too.
- Oh, you need a bowl, too.
- Chop the veggies and put them in the bowl. Add melted ghee, sea salt, black pepper, and some water. You could add fresh herbs, too and/or some turmeric powder to add an extra dose of healthiness.
- Put everything on a baking sheet or in a roasting pan. Cover with aluminum foil. Cook 12 minutes.
- Take foil off and cook another 12 minutes (or so).
- Done.
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