I was inspired to make this beautiful floral almond milk.
It was so simple… I had some almonds soaking to make a raw vegan almond milk. I grabbed my jars of organic dried lavender and rose petals. (I bought the lavender and rose from Mountain Rose Herbs.)
It was really easy.
I soaked the raw organic almonds overnight, and then let them sprout a bit the next day.
I put them in my Vita-Mix high-speed blender with a bunch of my favorite spring water, Castle Rock Water. It was my first time using spring water in my nut milk. I also added a pinch of sea salt.
At this point I added a couple hefty 3-finger pinches of the lavender and then of the rose petals.
I blended this beautiful concoction for about a minute.
I strained out the milk.
Now… I’m enjoying it.