I’d written recently how we are finding ways to save money because we are headed toward the bliss of financial independence! Whoohoo!
One way to support our goal is being mindful when buying groceries. In my former days I had a habit of stocking up on things, food especially. In fact there was a time we had two refrigerator/freezer combos PLUS a huge stand alone freezer. Ya sure would think we were some hard-core preppers although we weren’t really. I don’t think?
These are new days though! And my passion for minimalism stretches to the pantry. It’s probably how I lost a couple pounds so easily.
Well, we were running low on food yesterday and I wanted to hold off on shopping for a couple days.
Challenge was that Mr. Pantry and Ms. Refrigerator looked like the apocalypse.
Ok bean soup it is. I had a couple stalks of celery left, half a bell pepper, half a bulb of fennel, one red onion (a whole one! Yay!), plus….
drumroll please…. Dr. Cowan’s veggie powder. (That’s an affiliate code which doesn’t cost you anything extra but supports my writing. Thanks!) I’m so happy I have these veggie powders in my pantry for the times I run out of fresh veggies. Just add a tablespoon to amp up the nutrition and flavor of pretty much anything (including desserts!).

Plus, I added cumin, paprika, turmeric, salt, and black pepper.
Oh. And butter! Gotta add grass-fed butter.
Still though… pretty boring. It needed more heartiness. Hmmmmmm.
I headed back to dive the depths of my apocalyptic pantry and refrigerator shelves. They were so empty I could practically crawl in them. (Tee-hee)
What’d ya know?
I found a few things.
I came out with sunflower seeds, raisins, mustard, and half a jar of pineapple salsa. I added them to the soup.
My Apocalypse Bean Soup, actually, was hearty and damn tasty. I’m going to remember this recipe for future use.

Oh… and OF COURSE I USED MY AWESOME INSTANT POT to make this (that’s an affiliate link too… same drill as above. Thank you!).
I use my Instant Pot every day. It helps my family eat WAY more veggies.