My New Romance Novel!
I’m excited to share the cover for my second hot-n-steamy romance novel, His Secret! It’s in the final editing stage right now, and will be available for download in less than two weeks!
It’s as steamy as my last romance story, Lockdown Love, and I especially loved writing the hero, Adron. A man… with a secret! A big one! ;)
I will make it available on Kindle for free with a 5-day promotion. It will also be available in Kindle Unlimited for people who have that.
Thank you ARC Team!
My sincerest gratitude to the people who reached out to be on my Advanced Readers for future books. I will be sending His Secret to you soon – so be on the look out.
Benefits of an ARC team is that people get my book ahead of time (free and fun for the passionate advanced reader!). For me, the benefit is that they might catch typos, and they if the reader finishes book in time (hopefully when the book becomes available on Amazon.com), they leave a review!
I can’t emphasize enough how important Amazon reviews are for authors, especially independent authors.
And so I have tremendous gratitude for the people who’ve joined my ARC team. If you think this is something that you would like to do, please contact me on social media (twitter or Instagram) or email me at my romance author email: brisa at brisastarr dot com.
I’ll update the blog once the book is available on Amazon!