As of now, Italy reopened its borders to travel for people from the European Union and the UK.
And even though Kamea and I have dual-Italian citizenship, it’s unclear whether we’d be allowed in because, right now, Americans are not allowed. :( Because of Covid-19 and America’s response to it.
As soon as they say “SI, BENVENUTO!” then our plan is to return to Italy soon thereafter. My preference is the first week of July but who knows. Sometime this summer though, right!? PLEASE?!
Our souls crave Italy, and I long to feel the inspiring energy of it tickle my fingers for writing.
I’m excited to move to the magical, medieval hilltop village where we rented an apartment, long-term(!) — one that I manifested by the way (details later).
It’s been a wonderful whirlwind of five months here in Arizona. I became a fiction writer! We spent tons of time with my mom and step-dad. And we had beautiful late winter and spring weather.
But it’s time to go. Soon.