As you know from my last post, we have arrived in Italy. We are required to stay in our apartment for two weeks. And I have to say I am relieved at this forced quarantine.
Relieved(!) because it took away any tantalizing tickles to explore our new town, instead of staying home and setting it up, unpacking, and getting settled.
It allowed us to really get to know our new home.
It also gave me the space and time to get back into my writing groove that was disrupted by travel. So I am loving the quarantine, and we only have a few days left.
So What Have We Been Doing?
Um, loving our lives in Italy. The magic of this life, this town, is already permeating my bones, and we haven’t even left our castle-cave-like apartment.
Our apartment is indeed magical all on its own just from living inside the walls of it (we think the building is ~700 years old!)… Can you imagine the history? The families who have lived here? I’m blown away and brought to tears just pondering the thoughts.

Plus? Our apartment comes with (many) cats outside our windows and Italian clay tile rooftop views and precious cobblestone streets outside our front door that I glimpse when I take out the recycle or accept deliveries.
I am so lit up, like Christmas time in Rockefeller Plaza. I love our apartment, our town, our landlords, our life!
I manifested this awesome sh*t! So I’m empowered even more!

Shopping While in Quarantine
Turns out Amazon in Italy has Amazon Prime, so I’ve ordered many things. On one delivery, the post lady kept saying under her masked face “Tanti scatoli!” (many boxes!)
And it dawned on me that I’m no longer a digital nomad.
I have a home base. We’ll continue to travel, especially to explore Europe for anywhere from a week to a month at a time (though not anytime soon, ahem, Covid), but we’ll have a home to come home to with things when we do travel.

One of My Favorite Purchases So Far? The Instant Pot.
I made a frittata, which came out beautifully. Six eggs, a handful of freshly grated white cheese of some sort, plus a handful of freshly grated parmigiano, and some herbs.
I haven’t used an Instant Pot in years, but here’s a link to many recipes I wrote when I had one back in the states.

And I’m also in love with my desk and office chair where I’ll be writing the next 50 books.

And our printer! You know you’re not a digital nomad anymore when you have a big-ass laser printer.
Abundance… That’s Happening Here!
Our landlords—who have been so amazing and wonderful and kind and generous—they’ve been bringing us tons of fresh, organic produce from their garden. Every day! Talk about abundance! I’ve got it right here. And it’s different every day: figs, peaches, tomatoes, asparagus, chard, grapes…
They live in the same building as us, so I don’t know where their garden is. (I think they live in the apartment above us. Which is nice because we have a family to get to know, and they’re right here if we need them. That’s nice when moving to a foreign country.)

For example, it can be very helpful when we have to file paperwork in the town and get our health cards and identification cards to have a local here will help to the process. We are so blessed.

I’m Back to Writing My Romance Novels
In other news: I finished editing my sixth steamy romance novel while in quarantine here, Count On Me.
I just started novel number seven, Playtime! I dictated 10,000 words just today. The muse is real here.
Non-Fiction New Release Coming!
I am so very, very close to publishing Coffee Self-Talk on Amazon. Thank you to everyone who has been writing to me and asking me about it!
It’s coming! It’s coming!
… in a couple of days! Stay tuned to get your hands on my book that describes a 5-minute routine to transform your life. It transformed mine! I’m living proof.


Movement is a part of my every day, and I’m still as madly in love with my Apple 3 watch as I was when I first got it (read why I love it so much here). Some of the best money I’ve ever spent.
So my watch basically makes sure I work out, and with quarantine (and gyms not open, not that I’d want to be in one now anyway), we’re making a home gym where I do progressive calisthenics and use bands for staying toned and tight. I bought this mirror too because using a mirror motivates me!
Coloring my own hair
I also highlighted my own hair with an at-home bleach kit I brought from the US. The results? Well, if I wear it a certain way, I can maybe get away with it.

So You See? So Much to Do in Quarantine!
Living My Happy Sexy Millionaire Life!
I am living my Happy Sexy Millionaire life. And I’m so happy, I could cry sparkly tears of joy and bliss. One of the most exciting updates with my life is that the apartment I am living in, in this amazing hilltop town… I friggin’ manifested it, from the beautiful decor, to having screens on our windows (not so common in Italy)! It worked! I did it!
When I started blogging about my decision to be a Happy Sexy Millionaire, the point was to share the journey. The things I’m learning and manifesting, the life. So with that, coming soon I ‘ll share the story about manifesting my amazing apartment in Italy.
Also, I update all of my Instagram accounts, so if you’d like to stay in touch between blog posts, that’s where you can see more.
Ciao, baby!