We’re packing 4 large suitcases and moving back to Italy.
We booked our flight.
It was canceled.
Cuz. Covid-19. And America’s very, very uncool response.
We rescheduled.
We’re now leaving earlier, August 17.
We came to Arizona to visit Mom Feb. 3 for a 1-month visit. Here we are, six months later, not leaving until mid-August.
Why wait so long?
Initially, we waited as Italy fought to control the virus.
But by the time May rolled around, and it was getting under control in Europe, America was going downhill. Fast. At the time, I didn’t know if we could even get back into Italy (I have Italian citizenship, Greg doesn’t).
Who in the hell wants to fly at a time like this?
We have not left my mom’s house since March. Greg, Kamea, and I have stayed home (only going outside to swim and walk and bike) but NO contact with the public since MARCH! (Greg suited up to buy a WiFi router when ours konked out, but that’s been our only foray outside the hermetically sealed compound.)
Funny, it’s totally fine. I fucking love it!
I’m so busy writing steamy romance books I wouldn’t go anywhere anyway. No distractions, no choices. (My mom does all the shopping, and well, Amazon.)
Italy right now… with Covid-19
With daily new cases hovering around a very manageable 250 for the entire country, and mask wearing mandatory in all indoor environments, the borders have opened to EU and Schengen area visitors.
An American in Rome
With their robust contact tracing and testing, they’re keeping it under control.
So I thought, fuck it, let’s book flights and get home. To our beloved home, Italia.
We’ll have to quarantine for 2 weeks
Once we arrive in Italy, we are not allowed to use public transportation to get to our home in the medieval hilltop village where we rented an apartment. We would normally take a train from Rome, but that’s not an option. So instead, we’re paying $400 to hire a driver with a Covid-ready (?) van to transfer us.
At least it’ll have room for the 4th suitcase. I have things to bring:
Eye Armor, RAD RED NIGHT GLASSES, non-toxic water-based nail polish, collagen protein powder, new clothes, new beauty products, and lots of books on writing!
Upon arrival, we are not allowed to leave our apartment for two weeks!
How will we get food? Oh, and toilet paper?
For starters, we have been over-the-top blessed with the most amazing landlords. Although we haven’t moved into the apartment yet, they live upstairs from it and have been offering us all the help we’ll need.
Plus? The Beehive Hostel People
The amazing people who own The Beehive Hostel in Rome (Americans who have lived in Italy for about 20 years, I think) also live in the same little town we’re moving to. They’re getting groceries for us and will have our home set and ready for us to move into when we arrive.
This means I don’t need to pack toilet paper in my suitcase!
And during our quarantine, they’ll shop for us every couple of days. How blessed we are! God I love Italy – the hospitality is so glitteringly heartwarming.

We haven’t stayed at that awesome hostel yet, but we plan to many times over the next year, as we explore every nook and cranny of Rome. I can’t wait to write steamy romance novels set in Italy. Mamma Mia!!!
What about airports and flying during Covid-19?
We opted to fly Delta Airlines domestically as they’ve been touted as the airline taking the best precautions for Covid-19.
I’m approaching it with masks (N95 with cloth on top, because N95’s only protect the wearer), face shields, and hats. I’m bringing bleach wipes with us. I’m bringing hand sanitizer. My family is taking elderberry before, during, and after travel (apparently one of the BEST forms of protection), this zinc, and glutathione (all Chris Masterjohn Covid-19 recommendations).
No sugar (easy for this naughty, dirty carnivore gal).
Plenty of rest before, during, and after travel. (My rad red glasses ensure that!)
And? Meditation, filled with shimmery, golden thoughts and visions for health, happiness, and longevity (you know, Happy Sexy Millionaire sh*t). I mean, like, here’s why I’m so happy despite a pandemic.
I’ll update you from the ground in Italy!