When we first moved to Umbria, our wonderful landlord knew we’d be arriving in quarantine, and he stocked our place with staples, including plenty of red wine, and olive oil from his own orchard! Talk about grateful!
Fast forward three months… I recently blogged that we were interviewed on CNN about getting dual citizenship.
As a result of the interview, we have new friends!
A fellow American with dual citizenship saw the article, searched for me on Instagram and reached out to say hi and share that she, too, lives in the same town where we are. Turns out, we’re close neighbors!
My family became fast friends with Ellen, and her Italian fiancé, Arrigo, and this brings me to my post today.
They have olive tree orchards and produce some of the most gorgeous olive oil! Lucky me! And? It’s available for purchase because they ship to countries outside of Italy! Lucky you!

I don’t know if you know this–there was a time that I didn’t–but all olive oil is NOT created equal. There are many reasons for this.
A fascinating book I read years ago, Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil, details why it’s so imperative to buy from a source you can trust. (Today, I share a source you can trust!)

It was through this book that I learned how to properly taste test olive oil for its levels of polyphenols. You basically suck/slurp it in while sipping (slurping sounds galore), with sort of relaxed lips, and letting it spray the back of your throat. Then, you wait a moment and see if there’s a burn. If so… good oil! Rich in polyphenols.

But first!
One of my favorite things about olive oil is the ability to easily cook with it, like roasting vegetables, because it stays liquid at room temperature. Ever try spreading solidified ghee or coconut oil over your veggies before roasting? Impossible. And I can’t be bothered with warming it first.
And if you were under the mistaken assumption that you shouldn’t cook with olive oil, as I used to be, check this out. I share here about how you can happily sauté, roast, and cook with extra virgin olive oil! Don’t be scared!
I’ve even added it to my buttered coffee, like here.
During my carnivore days, I went without olive oil, and although I eat a very meat-heavy diet, full carnivore on some days, olive oil has found its way back into my life. I tolerate it well.
After all, I live in Italy now. I eat pizza every few weeks, too. :)
OK, I’d like to introduce you to Ellen and Arrigo, our new friends. Here is what they say about their legendary olive oil.

Ripalta, our highest quality 100% Umbrian DOP extra virgin olive oil.

While several Italian regions produce olive oil, Umbria produces one of the very highest quality oils. Our olives come from Umbrian hills owned by a storied, aristocratic family for many centuries.
The name of the oil, “Ripalta”, takes its name from the castle of our family, the Marchesi Misciattelli Bernardini. This is a land full of Etruscan tombs, Roman ruins, fertile soil for vineyards and olive groves in a staggeringly gorgeous countryside. We are deep in the Umbrian countryside and use no pesticides.
Our olive varieties include frantoio, leccino, and moraiolo. We press them almost immediately after they are harvested from the trees, which is critical for a pure and salubrious product.

Ripalta has a small, boutique production grown at a high elevation compared to most producers. Our output per tree is smaller but the quality much higher.
Ripalta is in limited production and supply will not last past Christmas.
Ripalta, unlike many supermarket olive oils, has the following characteristics:
100% of olives sourced from one place. 100% Italian (or 100% Spanish or 100% Greek), but never a mix. Beware of European Union oil mixes. Also beware of “Tuscan” oil that actually uses Tunisian olives but processes in Tuscany – sadly you may never really know the truth as they are not required to put this on the label. With our oil, we personally pick the olives off of our trees here in Umbria. It’s our guarantee to you.

DOP olive oil, which is even more specific.
This is like DOC for wine. It means in Italian “Protected Designation of Origin.” The olives come not just from one country but a very specific zone within an Italian region. Our olives are DOP “Colli Orvietani,” which means the Hills above Orvieto. Every olive grew in the Italian sun and wind and rain on those hills.
Extra virgin olive oil, not just olive oil. This means that the olive oil can have a maximum of 0.8% acidity.
Polyphenols. These naturally occurring olive compounds have significant health benefits towards digestion, diabetes, heart health, and cancers. Did you know that olive oil is classified as a medicine by the FDA? This is due to its extraordinary health benefits.
“First Cold Press”. What does this mean? Two things. One, the olives were processed once, not run through the mill multiple times. Two, the temperature cannot exceed a maximum of 25 degrees Celsius, because higher temperatures result in lower quality oil. Look for this on the label.
Why our oil?
Our Ripalta oil has all of the characteristics mentioned above.
Our oil is shipped directly to you, not stored in customs warehouses for months. We guarantee quality.
Our olives are grown without pesticides
Our agricultural company is “Azienda Agricola Girolamo Misciattelli Bernardini”. Under the name Bernardini, the family company has produced sizable agricultural output for at least two centuries. And the Bernardini have been in Orvieto since at least 1200. We are an ancient aristocratic family who has had an agriculture business on these same lands consistently for over many centuries.
Shelf life
Olive oil lasts 2-4 years. This summer at our house we ran out of last years oil and opened up some from 2 years ago and it was delicious. But oil is not like wine, it does not improve with age. So best to use it within a year or so.
Americans consume about 1 liter per person per year. (Contrast that with about 14 liters per person in Italy!)
So I believe it will be used if it is a household that cooks with olive oil.
Price and Payment Details
The price is 35 euros per 750ml bottle (same quantity as a bottle of wine) including shipping with a minimum order of 6 bottles.
(Note from Kristen here: They make great Christmas gifts!)
Order direct through us via PayPal
In paypal you can pay the following vendor, or if you prefer we can send you an easy payment link.
Your order will be processed by Azienda Agraria Girolamo Misciattelli Bernardini, our family agriculture company.
210 euro today is about $245 USD
Sincerely thank you!!!
www.umbriaabove.com/olio (they are currently redoing their website so if you’d like to buy some olive oil, please email them or call directly.)
+1 (419) 343-9938 (American phone number)
(Please note, the Amazon links above are affiliate links. The olive oil links are not.)