I’ve received some blog comments (as well as emails) asking me to post my Raw food intake more often. Your wish is my command ;)
Monday’s Raw Food (all foods are organic)
Water with a squeeze of lemon
Freshly squeezed orange juice (large glass)
Water with Amazing Grass’ Wheat Grass Powder, New Chapter Organic’s Berry Greens, and Vega’s EFA oil
Hemp / Rice Protein Drink (hemp protein powder, rice protein, cinnamon, water)
Chocolate Candied Pumpkin Seeds (recipe in my upcoming chocolate book)
1 Banana
2 carrots
Raspberry Leaf Herbal Tea (giant mug – aaahhhh)
Amazing Grass Chocolate Whole Food Energy Bar
Guacamole, salsa, Fun Corn Chips
2 carrots
1/2 beet
1/2 zucchini
Green and Crunchy Blog
Here is a blog that I enjoy following. I loved this particular post about how she is feeding her family Raw vegan style. Check it out here.
Daily Conversation Question:
If you were offered a seat on the next space shuttle would you take it?