I am busy in the kitchen and making a number of wonderful things*. Here’s what I’m up to…
1) I made a big batch of homemade chicken bone broth, pictured above.
I made it old-school in a stock pot, but I teach you many ways to make bone broth in this popular post here. Today’s batch had tons of pasture-raised poultry bones, onions, carrots, leeks, star anise, kombu, black peppercorns, and astragalus root. It smells divine, warm, homey, and makes me proud.
2) I made a fresh batch of kefir using Body Ecology kefir starter.

Soon I’ll use a kefir culture that starts with traditional milk kefir grains, where I transfer the kefir to a new batch indefinitely and no longer need a starter packet. Here’s information about my kefir making experience.
3) I made yogurt, too!
Making yogurt is one of the best things I started doing. It tastes amazing, it saves money from buying it all the time, and, well, it’s homemade! I showed you a bit about making yogurt here. Check it out and start easily making your own, too. Build up a strong body with probiotic-rich foods like kefir, yogurt, and cultured veggies.
4) I mixed a huge bowl of loose herbs for making tea over the next month.
This time I included organic herbs like: red raspberry leaf (I buy that here), lavender, rose petals (deliciously delicate in a tea blend), oat straw, hops, and peppermint.
5) I’m also trying to grow herbs so I have a ready supply of fresh ones for cooking.

I worked on repotting some of those today as I haven’t grown from seed yet so don’t get excited about my mint.
Currently, I have mint, basil, rosemary, and oregano. I have no idea what I’m doing.
But, I do know this… fresh herbs will elevate your cooking like nothing else. In fact, if you’re making foods from packaged and prepared containers, add a handful of fresh herbs to increase the nutrition and flavor.
That’s about it so far.
*Disclaimer: I was able to effortlessly get this all done because my five year old daughter is at my mom’s house.